Lausanne à Table


The Brewers’ Pack from Lausanne à Table!

For the first time ever, Lausanne à Table has asked its brewer members to create a pack together.

You will find the best of Lausanne beers, all personalized thanks to the talents of six sketch artists from the collective of O.G.R.E.S. – Observatoire Graphique Rôdeur d’Estaminets Suaves (Graphic Observatory of Suave Tavern Roamers). 

A big thank you to the artists who draw and brew for trusting us with this extraordinary project.

You can find the packs directly at the brewers or  at EPIQ .



What would a pack of craft beers be without the Brasserie du Château honoring its famous white beer? All their beers are brewed on-site at the Brasserie, the first to arrive in Lausanne in 1997!

The watercolor label brings out the spirit of the Brasserie du Château, lively, artisanal, and friendly!

Illustration by Yvan Schneider

Brasserie du Château / Pl. du Tunnel 1, 1005 Lausanne / Mon. 1 pm-midnight, Tue.-Thur. 11:30-1 am, Fri.-Sat. 11-2 am, Sun. 5 pm-midnight

The Brasserie du Jorat – THE IPA

In a combination of beautiful citrus fruits with a beautiful bitterness in the mouth, the Brasserie du Jorat honors its IPA beer (India Pale Ale). A beautiful balance between a fruity nose and a refreshing bitterness.

The woods of the Jorat are artistically well represented on this unfiltered beer.Illustration by Emilie Renault

La Brasserie du Jorat / Rue des Artisans 21, 1088 Ropraz / Wed. 4:30 pm-6:30 pm, Fri. 4:30 pm-6:30 pm, Sat. 10 am-12:30 pm

Magic Hop – the Potion

Abracadabeer! To achieve the craziest spells, the potion is essential for Magic Hop. The recipe is effective: a Pale Ale with lemon and basil for a formidable fresh effect!

On the bottle you can find a representation of the magician of the Potion that lets you “drink without thirst”!

Illustration by Aurélien Hubert

Magic Hop

the Brasserie du singe – the Nisnas White IPA

The Brasserie du Singe (The Monkey Brewery) has selected Nisnas White IPA, a white beer that combines the characteristic fruity aromas of white beers with the pronounced bitterness of IPA hops. This unique alliance offers a balanced and refreshing taste experience, ideal for beer lovers looking for a harmonious fusion between the fruity sweetness and bitterness of IPAs.

The brasserie is perfectly illustrated on the label with a monkey savoring a delicious beer.

Illustration by Michel Krafft

La Brasserie du Singe / Rte. de Bottens 3 – Box 35, 1053 Bretigny-sur-Morrens

Brasserie Docteur Gab’s – GLUTEN-FREE PALE ALE

To the delight of people with gluten allergies, Dr. Gab’s offers the Pépite, their Pale Ale, gluten-free! It handles the notion of balance perfectly thanks to its malted body, its thirst-quenching bitterness, and its fruity aromas. It is even said “that a sip of this liquid gold will transport you to the great wild (and hopped) spaces of the far west!”

Do you recognize the famous Lausanne brewery represented on this bottle of Pépite?

Illustration by Tassilo Jüdt

Brasserie Dr Gab’s / Rte. de la ZI du Verney 1, 1070 Puidoux / Wed.-Fri. 5 pm-7 pm, Sat. 10 am-2 pm

the Brasserie du Château – La Blanche

What would a pack of craft beers be without this famous white beer that the Brasserie du Château has honored? All their beers are brewed at the Brasserie, the first to arrive in Lausanne in 1997!

The label, done in watercolor, brings out the spirit of the Brasserie du Château, lively, artisanal, and friendly!

Illustration by Yvan Schneider

Brasserie du Château / Pl. du Tunnel 1, 1005 Lausanne / Mon. 1 pm-midnight, Tue.-Thur. 11:30 am-1 am, Fri.-Sat. 11 am-2 am, Sun. 5 pm-midnight

La Nébuleuse – Estafette

La brasserie a décidé de mettre à l’honneur sa bière phare « L’Estafette » cette Triple belge blonde vous fera voyager depuis n’importe quel continent jusqu’en Belgique en une gorgée ! 

L’étiquette met en avant une belle explosion de la boisson préférée des belges !

Illustration par Nicole Goetschi Danesi

La Nébuleuse /Ch. du Closel 1, 1020 Renens / Me-ve 10h-12h00, 14h00-18h00

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